The Return of the Giphy

Last Updated on June 25, 2020 by rudyooms

It’s time for a “funny” blog.

Giphy… I never realized there’s a difference between posting GIFs in Whatsapp or Teams.

Within Teams there are 2 options to allow or block GIFs.

  • Within the team Settings.
  • Organization-wide. It could be a part of your governance strategy.

But why would you block it? Looking at the restriction options.

Giphy content rating.

  • No restriction This means that your users will be able to insert any GIF in chats regardless of the content rating.
  • Moderate This means that your users will be able to insert GIFs in chats but with a moderate restriction on adult content.
  • Strict This means that your users will be able to insert GIFs in chats but will be strictly restricted from using adult content.


Don’t disable Giphy!!!… Allow them… sometimes work can be fun. Just change the content rating settings of Giphy if you want to limit them or remove the restrictions.

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