The Man Who Shot Office Hardware acceleration

Last Updated on April 6, 2021 by rudyooms

This simple blog will be about why Outlook can be seriously lagging while typing. And I mean seriously lagging. Some letters will pop up 10/15 seconds after typing.  The probability this issue will be resolved by buying a new laptop is very small. I have seen this happen on all kinds of devices, old and new devices.

Open your Task Manager and look at gpu-engine. You will notice: GPU 0 – 3D

This means Outlook is using hardware graphics acceleration.   

“Hardware graphics acceleration in Office enables the computer hardware to perform graphics functions to increase performance so that making a user in an enjoyable experience”

But I guess an enjoyable experience does not mean: Seriously lag while typing in Outlook.

You can try to reset the GPU driver: Ctrl+Shift+Win+B. But I guess you want to have a permanent solution. So we need to disable it. You can simply disable it in your Outlook settings.

The better option is to create a new Administrative Template (device configuration profile) and search for: “Hardware”

Select “Do not user hardware graphics acceleration” : Enabled

To make sure your devices have this new setting, you can open the register and take a look at:


You will notice a new reg_dword has been created.

Or just open your outlook settings to check if it’s disabled and greyed out


Hardware acceleration is great, but It can cause some serious lag in your Office apps. Disabling it will resolve it.

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