How Microsoft / Intune is shifting to Declarative Device Management (DDM) by using the declared configuration service
When and how does a device sync with MMP-C (Next Gen Intune)”
In this blog, I will examine the same things as Niehaus but this time the next-generation Intune, MMP-C. I will also examine the sync scheme and show you all the strings attached.
The Positively True Adventures of the Alleged MigrateRefreshTask
This blog will be the 7th one in the Windows Declared Configuration series (WinDc). In […]
Declared Configurations and the MI Provider
This blog will zoom in on, the MOF file and how the MI provider is being used when the declared configuration policies are being set
ReconstructQueueAndExecute: The Last Crusade for Declared Configuration Recovery
This blog post will be the fifth in the WinDC Refresh Schedule series. In it, I will zoom into what happens when we run into corrupted Declarative Documents. I will try to explain how the Declared Configuration Service (dcsvc.dll) and the Orchestrator will take care of it!
The Adventures of WinDC, Queen of the MMP-C
This blog post will be the third one in my journey to discover what the “refresh schedule created by Declared Configuration to refresh any settings changed on the device” actually does and how this task is triggered.
Refreshing the Declared Configuration Policies
This blog post will be the second one in my journey to discover what the […]
The WinDC Refresh Schedule and the Dudes
In this series, I will try to explain more about a wonderful “refresh schedule” I noticed in the task scheduler after EPM was deployed. This first blog post will focus on how this scheduled task is being used by EPM (Endpoint Privilege Management) to refresh the WinDC (Declared Configuration)Policies—even when the device is offline!!!!!
I Killed My Endpoint Privilege Management Enrollment, Hung Her on a Meathook, and Now I Have a Three Picture Deal at MMP-C
This blog will be just me looking at the delivery of the EPMagent in my own troubleshooting style. While doing so, I got focused on something even more important!! Something called MMP-C!