This blog will focus on the 0x80190190 Bad Request (400) we could get because the […]
In the Shadow of the DiscoveryEndpoint
This blog will discuss my attempt to enroll my device with the latest 25977.1000 insider preview using Autopilot. I will show you how I stumbled upon some MMP-C Declared Configuration DiscoveryEndpoint issues that could potentially break things
Declared Configurations and the MI Provider
This blog will zoom in on, the MOF file and how the MI provider is being used when the declared configuration policies are being set
Along With the Gods: The Two PushLaunch Tasks
This blog will be about a big underestimated schedule!! I am going to dive into […]
Declarative Device Management with Intune
How Microsoft / Intune is shifting to Declarative Device Management (DDM) by using the declared configuration service
Close Encounters of the Microsoft Azure Attestation
This blog will be about my first and second encounters with Microsoft Azure Attestation(MAA) and […]
The Adventures of WinDC, Queen of the MMP-C
This blog post will be the third one in my journey to discover what the “refresh schedule created by Declared Configuration to refresh any settings changed on the device” actually does and how this task is triggered.
0x80072f8f : A BitLocker Odyssey
This time, a simple blog about a BitLocker escrow error (0x80072f8f )that started happening (all […]
The Treasure of the MMP-C Madre
This time, a simple blog without technical details. It will be just me showing you […]
Under the Hood of: MDE Attach V2 / Security settings management
I will guide you through my MDE Attach V2 (Security Management) journey and explain which “service” delivers the Intune policies to your NOT AADJ (or Entra) Windows Server 2019.