The Log Collector Part 2

Last Updated on May 25, 2021 by rudyooms

This blog will be about the new possiblity to collect device diagnostics remotely with Intune.

Some weeks ago I blogged about what options you had when you need to remotely collect Logs from your Azure ad Joined devices.

The Log Collector – Call4Cloud Remotely collect Azure Ad Logs

Some time ago I noticed a new feature which was in development.

I am very pleased to see this new functionality is ready for preview and it’s very easy to use! I love it. You only need to press the 3 dots when you have selected the device and click “collect diagnostics”

You will need to have some seconds of patience…  my zip file was like 40 mb, so I guess it can take some time to collect all the logs. When the log collection is completed, you can download the zip file by clicking the download button on the Monitor/Device Diagnostics page.

When extracting the zip file, you will notice a large number of folders, each with its own content. One of the folders in the zip file had a cab file in it, which contains all the logs you will need to start troubleshooting.


This is a feature I have been waiting for, for a long time.  It’s another good reason why you don’t always need another RMM tool.

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