Call4Cloud | MMP-C | Autopilot | Device Preparation

Cloudy: With a chance of Winget

Patch My Pc | install & update thousands of apps

This blog will be about my experiences with the Windows Package Manager, also known as Desktop App Installer, or Winget. Until now, we have only used Chocolatey, but I was intrigued to see if Winget could be a good replacement. After reading some other blogs and information, I decided to test it out myself.

1. Background Information

Just like Chocolatey, Winget is a tool to manage packages (Package Manager) on your device. This utility allows you to automate the whole process of installing/removing/upgrading (updating)  packages (software) on the device.

With the command line or PowerShell, you could automatically download and install the packages on the device. When you have some experience with Linux you will be familiar with it but Windows users didn’t have this built-in functionality so they needed to use some third-party software like Chocolatey.

Luckily, in 2020, Microsoft released its own Windows Packaging Manager (Winget) for Windows 10. However, it was a bit buggy when it was released.

Things have changed as Microsoft is also integrating Winget in Intune as the Microsoft Store for Business will be deprecated in the first quarter of 2023. If you are interested in the whole story behind this deprecation and what is going to happen, please read this blog

2. Installing the App Installer (Winget)

When you want to play around or just want to start migrating your Chocolatey apps to Winget, you will need to make sure Winget is installed on the devices. On all modern versions of Windows 10 and Windows 11, this Package Manager Command-line tool is already installed. Isn’t that nice? Or maybe not?

As shown below, when taking a look at the WindowsApps folder, you will notice that the Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller is already installed by default!

But it will take some time before the Winget.exe tool itself gets installed and in the meantime, the Winget.exe Command is NOT yet available on Windows 10 devices!

Before the Winget executable will be available It first needs to fetch the required update from the Microsoft Store

After it downloads the latest update, you will notice that a new version is installed, and inside that folder, the Winget.Exe file does exist. I am wondering what will happen when you deploy an app with Winget during Autopilot.

the location of the desktopappinstaller in the program files folder

If you still have some older Windows versions or you want to make sure Winget.exe Is already installed on the device after enrolling the device with Autopilot you need to install them manually. You have got multiple options to install Winget

  1. Install the App Package with Powershell (USER CONTEXT)
  2. Install the App Package with PowerShell (SYSTEM Context)
  3. Deploy the App Installer from the Microsoft Store (SYSTEM CONTEXT)
  4. Deploy the App installer a LOB App (SYSTEM CONTEXT)
  5. Deploy the App installer a Win32 App (SYSTEM CONTEXT)

2.1. Using PowerShell (USER CONTEXT)

You could call upon the invoke web request to download the app package file straight from the source. Please note: Before we could install the DesktopAppinstaller we need to make sure all the requirements are met! To do so I added the Add-AppxPackage Microsoft.VClibs to the script

$hasPackageManager = Get-AppPackage -name 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller'
if (!$hasPackageManager -or [version]$hasPackageManager.Version -lt [version]"") {
    "Installing winget Dependencies"
    Add-AppxPackage -Path ''
    $releases_url = ''

    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $releases = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $releases_url
    $latestRelease = $releases.assets | Where { $_.browser_download_url.EndsWith('msixbundle') } | Select -First 1

    "Installing winget from $($latestRelease.browser_download_url)"
    Add-AppxPackage -Path $latestRelease.browser_download_url
else {
    "winget already installed"
#### Creating settings.json #####

if ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().IsSystem) {
        $SettingsPath = "$Env:windir\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WinGet\Settings\settings.json"
        $SettingsPath = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Packages\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\settings.json"
    if (Test-Path $SettingsPath){
        $ConfigFile = Get-Content -Path $SettingsPath | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '//'} | ConvertFrom-Json
    if (!$ConfigFile){
        $ConfigFile = @{}
    if ($ConfigFile.installBehavior.preferences.scope){
        $ConfigFile.installBehavior.preferences.scope = "Machine"
    }else {
        Add-Member -InputObject $ConfigFile -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'installBehavior' -Value $(
            New-Object PSObject -Property $(@{preferences = $(
                    New-Object PSObject -Property $(@{scope = "Machine"}))
        ) -Force
    $ConfigFile | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $SettingsPath -Encoding utf8 -Force

Please Note: This PowerShell script can’t be executed in the System context as it uses the add-appxpackage!!! If you will try to do so you will end up with the 0x80073cf9 error

 add-appxpackage will give you the 0x80073cf9 error when installing it by using winget system context

I’m explaining this behavior and the error code 0x80073cf9 in this blog about the Company Portal and the missing frameworks

2.2 Using PowerShell (SYSTEM Context)

After posting this blog and having some talks with James Robinson, I concluded I was missing this PowerShell option. In part 2.1 I showed you how to download the latest Winget version in an elevated PowerShell session. So why not use the same idea but combine it with Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage from part 2.5.

$dc = New-Object net.webclient
$dc.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
$dc.Headers.Add("user-agent", "Inter Explorer")
$dc.Headers.Add("X-FORMS_BASED_AUTH_ACCEPTED", "f")

#temp folder
$InstallerFolder = $(Join-Path $env:ProgramData CustomScripts)
if (!(Test-Path $InstallerFolder))
New-Item -Path $InstallerFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
	#Check Winget Install
	Write-Host "Checking if Winget is installed" -ForegroundColor Yellow
	$TestWinget = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq "Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller"}
	If ([Version]$TestWinGet. Version -gt "2022.506.16.0") 
		Write-Host "WinGet is Installed" -ForegroundColor Green
		#Download WinGet MSIXBundle
		Write-Host "Not installed. Downloading WinGet..." 
		$WinGetURL = ""
		$dc.DownloadFile($WinGetURL, "$InstallerFolder\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle")
		#Install WinGet MSIXBundle 
		Try 	{
			Write-Host "Installing MSIXBundle for App Installer..." 
			Add-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackagePath "$InstallerFolder\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle" -SkipLicense 
			Write-Host "Installed MSIXBundle for App Installer" -ForegroundColor Green
		Catch {
			Write-Host "Failed to install MSIXBundle for App Installer..." -ForegroundColor Red
		#Remove WinGet MSIXBundle 
		#Remove-Item -Path "$InstallerFolder\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.msixbundle" -Force -ErrorAction Continue

2.3 Microsoft Store

If you don’t like to use a simple PowerShell script and/or want to automate it, you could ensure that The Windows Package Manager is installed from within the Microsoft Store. But of course, you will need to ensure you have configured/synced the Microsoft Store for Business with your Microsoft 365 tenant.

microsoft store getting deprecated

When you have made sure the Microsoft store for business is connected you can click on the “Open the business store” to start searching. Search for the “App installer” package and install/order it.

I will advise you to use the Offline version of the App Installer as shown below so you can make sure the Winget app will be delivered in the Device context

downloading the app installer and we can select the online of offline version

If you want to know more about why this is important please read this blog. In this blog, I am explaining the differences between the Online and Offline version

Company Portal | Intune | Offline (device) vs Online (user) (

When you have made sure the App Installer is approved, remember to sync and assign the app in Intune when you have added it to the collection.

Please Note: When assigning the app, please make sure that when you use the offline version, you also configure the license type to a device license!

changing the license type to device (offline) to make sure its targetted to the device (system context)

Please note: Even when using this option to deploy the App installer, it could take some time before the Winget.exe file arrives at the device

2.4 Deploy the App Installer a LOB app

Another possibility would be to download the required Appx files yourself and upload it to Intune as LOB App. This option will make sure, that Winget will be installed in the device/system Context!

deploying the app installer as a lob app

After uploading it, please make sure you configure the Install context to “Device Context”

This is almost my favorite option. Do you want to know why? It ensures that the user can open the Company Portal and start installing the apps deployed with Winget immediately.

After uploading the Winget app to Intune, remember to configure it as a required app during the Enrollment Status Page (ESP). You want Winget deployed to your devices before the user logs in!

2.5 Deploy the App installer as a Win32 App

Let’s continue to my most favorite option! Of course, mixing LOB apps and Win32apps isn’t recommended so let’s make sure we are converting those appx files to a nice Win32App Package instead!

deploy the app installer as a win32app

Let’s take a better look at the PowerShell script itself, shall we?

Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage -online -PackagePath:.\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_2022.610.123.0_neutral___8wekyb3d8bbwe.Msixbundle -DependencyPackagePath .\Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop_14.0.30704.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx,.\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7_7.2203.17001.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx -SkipLicense

As shown above, I am using the Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage to make sure I can install Winget/App Installer in the system context. In that same command, I am also defining the DependencyPackagePath. This Packagepath contains the App installer dependencies

When uploading the Win32app to Intune, we need to configure the detection rule. Of course we could make sure we configure the proper path as a detection rule. Because you don’t want to end up with the 0x81036502 Time-out error!

But it will fail you in the future, as it doesn’t know about newer versions. So my advise? Just use a custom detection rule to make sure it will always tries to find the up to date path

As shown below, I am using almost the same script as I used when deploying Applications with Winget. In this detection script, I am just trying to find the Winget.exe file in the latest DesktopAppInstaller folder

$ResolveWingetPath = Resolve-Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\winget.exe"
    if ($ResolveWingetPath){
           $WingetPath = $ResolveWingetPath[-1].Path
$wingetexe = $ResolveWingetPath 

if (Test-path $wingetexe)
{ Write-host "Found Winget"}

Please Note: Just as with the LOB 2.3 option, don’t forget to add the app to your list of required apps during the ESP

3. Installing and Removing applications

Installing Applications

Installing applications normally takes a few seconds. If you want to see a list of all the applications you could install, just specify the “install” or “show” parameter, and it will list all the packages available.

Another possibility is to get a list of all apps available in the repositories by opening a browser and browse to

winget-pkgs/manifests at master · KaranKad/winget-pkgs (

Let’s proceed with installing some applications/packages. So if you want to install WebView2, you will need to specify this command.

$ResolveWingetPath = Resolve-Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\winget.exe"
    if ($ResolveWingetPath){
           $WingetPath = $ResolveWingetPath[-1].Path

$Wingetpath = Split-Path -Path $WingetPath -Parent
cd $wingetpath
.\winget.exe install --exact --id Microsoft.EdgeWebView2Runtime --silent --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements

Looking at the above script, you will notice I am trying to resolve the DesktopAppInstaller path first. Why? Let me show you

Because the Winget command is normally not recognized in the system context but that doesn’t mean you can’t use it! When you have deployed Winget in the device context, you could use the above PowerShell script to deliver apps in the system context

If you want to have multiple apps installed at the same time, you could use the ; between specifying the apps

winget install 7zip.7zip  ;  winget install Mozilla.Firefox  – -force – – silent

installing winzip with the use of the winget command

Please Note:

Before installing applications, make sure you have taken a look at the settings.json in Winget. Maybe you want to make sure the packages are installed for the entire machine instead of the current user?

the winget installbehavior determines if the app needs to be installed in the user or machine context

This is my settings.json file which I tested Winget with

Removing Applications

Removing existing software is also very very easy. You will only need to specify the uninstall parameter and which apps need to be removed

$ResolveWingetPath = Resolve-Path "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\winget.exe"
    if ($ResolveWingetPath){
           $WingetPath = $ResolveWingetPath[-1].Path

$Wingetpath = Split-Path -Path $WingetPath -Parent

cd $wingetpath
.\winget.exe uninstall --exact --id Microsoft.Teams --silent 

When using this PowerShell script, it will uninstall the Microsoft Teams app!

It’s simple and it works just like it should and nothing more.

4. Upgrading applications

Just like with Chocolatey, you will be able to update/upgrade apps. It’s very easy to upgrade apps; you only need to specify the upgrade parameter and which app you want to update.

winget upgrade

Or use the “list option” to check if a new version is available.

winget list winrar

I guess I am going to like this Winget update function a lot more in the feature than Chocolatey. Winget lists all applications which needed to be updated! Chocolatey only lists the applications which needed to be updated that chocolatey installed itself.

When you need to update all apps with Winget specify the upgrade  – -all parameter.

winget upgrade --all

If you want to ensure your apps are upgraded each week you need to create a PowerShell script and convert it to a Win32app. This script will create an additional PowerShell script and attach it to a task schedule. Please Note: Sometimes stuff changes and I need to update my blog. I needed to add the –accept-source-agreements , otherwise, the upgrade was still waiting for approval!

$content = @'
winget source remove msstore
winget source reset --force 
winget upgrade --query --silent --force --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements --all

# create custom folder and write PS script
$path = $(Join-Path $env:ProgramData CustomScripts)
if (!(Test-Path $path))
New-Item -Path $path -ItemType Directory -Force -Confirm:$false
Out-File -FilePath $(Join-Path $env:ProgramData CustomScripts\WingetUppgradeApps.ps1) -Encoding unicode -Force -InputObject $content -Confirm:$false
# register script as scheduled task
$Time = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogOn
$User = "SYSTEM"
$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "powershell.exe" -Argument "-ex bypass -file `"C:\ProgramData\CustomScripts\WingetUppgradeApps.ps1`""
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName "UpgradeApps" -Trigger $Time -User $User -Action $Action -Force
Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName "UpgradeApps"

The only two things I am missing (for now) are:

  1. Excluding applications.

When you have Teams installed, it will try to update Teams…. And most of the time it will fail. Luckily when other programs needed to be updated it will just proceed even with the first installation error.

2.No applicable update found

I guess that’s why I mentioned, “I am going to like this update function,” because, for now, many already installed programs can not be upgraded! You will be prompted with No applicable update found.

winget uprade --all showing us No applicable update found.

But when I remove the zoom 5.5.2 application first and reinstall the same version again with the parameter: Winget install zoom.zoom – -version 5.5.2

I can upgrade it with no problem at all? that’s odd but I know it can be very difficult to make sure all the packages can be updated.

A way better option would be to use this wonderful tool!

GitHub – Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate: WAU daily updates apps as system and notify connected users. (Allowlist and Blocklist support)

5. Winget ADMX

I guess I love this one. Winget even has its own ADMX files, which you can use to limit some functions:

winger admx

I guess when I am going only to use Winget, I will take some time to make sure you can ingest the ADMX in Intune. Isn’t that cool? Unfortunately you can end up with some ADMX import errors because we are not allowed to modify the policies registry key

Winget | Desktop App Installer | Microsoft Store Apps (

6. Troubleshooting Winget installation errors

If you have the same luck as me, you always will directly end up with some troubleshooting. Don’t get me wrong, but I love when it will fail on the first attempt… if all succeeds without errors, you don’t get the possibility to start troubleshooting it.

Luckily you will get a very nice log file, which I didn’t expect to be good…

As I told you about the upgrade option, upgrading Teams is difficult. It’s not Winget that is causing the problem; it’s the Teams installer.

Luckily I have some experience with Teams installers so I got you covered!

7. Building your own packages

If you want to start building your own packages you will need to install the create module first: “Winget install wingetcreate”

After the module is installed, you can create a new package by entering this command: wingetcreate new. It will ask you for the download URL location of the installation file.

As an example, I specified the notepad + + exe download url

It will guide you through the whole process. It will ask you some default questions which need to be answered.

When you are almost done it will ask you to submit the package to your own repository and prompt you for your GitHub credentials.

As shown above, I used the NotePad + + example, it’s already in the repository. Just within a minute, I (of course) received a message that it’s already in the repository.  So I closed the pull request.

8. Deploying the Winget Apps to your devices with the Company Portal app

Just like my blog about the Win32 PowerShell express and my blog about why you need to start loving the Company Portal App. You can create all the installation packages from scratch and upload them to Intune with PowerShell


When all the problems with Winget are resolved you will need to start converting your Powershell/Chocolatey Win32 apps to Winget Applications.

With the possibility to install applications in the system context with the use of Winget, you need to start moving over to Winget!

32 thoughts on “Cloudy: With a chance of Winget

  1. How do you deploy the .json configuration file to endpoints using Intune? It is per-user (%LOCALAPPDATA%) so would need to be deployed to every active user’s profile on every endpoint?

    1. Thanx for telling.. but what is not working?
      The creation of the task or executing the task. Just tested it (not with intune) but with a normal powershell system powershell and the scheduler is created. I am using this method for lots of stuff
      So how can I help you?

      1. Thanks for the quick reply! So the script does in fact create the task but when run nothing actually happens. Nothing Updates when trying to check winget list afterwards. I have tried using system as well as the logged in user to run it as.

        1. I noticed the same.. I already updated the blog… Somehow you need to add this to the script –accept-source-agreements

  2. FYI: Needed to change the winget upgrade query a bit for me to work just fine:

    winget upgrade –query –silent –force –accept-package-agreements –accept-source-agreements –all

    cheers! 🙂

  3. If you are lazy, just use the pre-built packaged Winget script to start deploying your apps within 1 min. I tested and it worked. Just too simple to believe.

    1. Hi..Did you also tested it after a wipe? as the script you showed, does exactly the same as I was showing. It will fetch the winget.exe and will install the required app you put in. But…. after a wipe, how are you making sure Winget.exe is on the device?

  4. Many thanks!
    In some cases the following code
    $ResolveWingetPath = Resolve-Path “C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe”
    if ($ResolveWingetPath){
    $WingetPath = $ResolveWingetPath[-1].Path
    is not working propertly because you may have e.g. such folders
    C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_1.0.32912.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
    C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_1.17.11601.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
    C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_1.4.3161.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe
    And the last folder is not related to the last installed version of WinGet.
    Something like this might help
    $WinAppsPath = ‘C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\’
    $prefix = ‘Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_’
    $suffix = ‘_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe’

    $SortedPath = “$WinAppsPath$prefix$(($arr | ForEach-Object {((Split-Path -Path $_ -Leaf).TrimStart($prefix).TrimEnd($suffix))} | Sort-Object {[Version]$_})[-1])$suffix”

    Best regards

    1. I am having this issue aswell. The script cant resolve the path to a valid path.
      Unfortunately you’r solution above didnt do the trick either. $SortedPath just resolves to C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller__x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe

      1. Hi, this also should work

        Set-Location -Path (‘{0}\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe’ -f $env:ProgramW6432)

        In that folder there needs to be winget.exe, otherwise the installation itself isn’t preformed the way i did as it looks like

  5. I have installed the Desktop App Installer as a Win32 app but I am unable to get winget to install any app using the SYSTEM account.

    When I run the following script:

    $ResolveWingetPath = Resolve-Path “C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe”
    if ($ResolveWingetPath){
    $WingetPath = $ResolveWingetPath[-1].Path

    cd $wingetpath
    .\winget.exe install –id 9WZDNCRFJ3TJ –exact –silent –source msstore –accept-package-agreements –accept-source-agreements

    … I get the following error message (after the ‘verifying/requesting package acquisition’ step):

    An unexpected error occurred while executing the command:
    0x80070520 : A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.

    Any ideas?

    1. I also am having big problems with running MSstore apps and Winget in the system context. Same error as above. Not apparent reported issue on the Git either.
      Works just fine tough with the Winget repo.

  6. When using WinGet lIst –name pkgname, is there a way in PS to compare the two version strings?
    Something along the lins of:

    Winget list –name 7-Zip, Installed = 19.0, Available = 21.0 – dont match
    Exit 0 (so we can fire off a proactive remediation for instance)

    else if versions match
    Do nothing
    Exit 1

    Hoping you may be able to assist

  7. Hi,
    Thank you so much for an amazing article.
    I am getting this when I run the above:

    Set-Location : Cannot set the location because path ‘C:\Program
    Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_*_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe’ resolved to multiple contai
    ners. You can only
    the set location to a single container at a time.

  8. I am getting below error while running any winget command from admin powershell.

    PS C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_1.18.2691.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe> .\winget.exe –version
    Program ‘winget.exe’ failed to run: Access is deniedAt line:1 char:1
    + .\winget.exe –version
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.
    At line:1 char:1
    + .\winget.exe –version
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (:) [], ApplicationFailedException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandFailed

  9. I’m struggling to get this working too.
    I’ve tried both 2.1 and 2.2 for system and user context, but Winget doesn’t seem to install so the app needing winget fails, giving an 0x81036502 error.

    I’m on a new Windows 11 device and would really like to use Winget to install software during enrolment instead of Chocolatey (which works btw).

    Any suggestions on what could be wrong? Or do I just give up at this point!

  10. The Romanitho script is an interesting solution with some caveats, but I guess they are more related to winget itself than the update task.
    What I found is that it might happen that an update triggers a client reboot, and when this happens, the clients restarts without any warning whatsoever. Kind of a brutal situation in a production environment. :\

    Second finding is that some app updates seem to work in the system context but not in the user one and viceversa (e.g. firefox esr worked when launched in the user context, but logs show that the update via the system context used by Romanitho script failed).

  11. Two notes here for those who are struggling

    .1. –accept-package-agreements does not work with Uninstall command, you need to remove it or replace with –accept-source-agreements . It may have worked before, but on v1.4.10173

    2. Resolve-Path doesn’t seem to work in some environments. I have a machine where it works in PS7, but does nt work in Windows Powershell (5.1). It may also resolve to multiple paths. I ended up with a much shorter

    $winget_exe = (Get-Command winget.exe).Source

    Hope this helps.

  12. This claim, “Microsoft is also integrating Winget in Intune…” is false, right? I mean the Store is deprecated now and warns me away with an ominous message. Yet the secret sauce of how to implement winget through Intune remains elusive. Should I load batch files up to Intune? That’s not very modern. How many weeks of debugging will I spend on that before realizing it’s just another thing that winget can’t do? How is an admin supposed to install software on behalf of a user? No one seems to know. How are we supposed to buy software from the Store and deploy it with winget (or any other method) now that the Store is gone? It’s another mystery. Simply calling the winget executable as an admin requires the full path, and still gives “Access Denied” errors half the time. Until a bunch of GitHub users spent 4 discussion board pages fumbling around to learn about the full path hack, no admin could even run winget. I apologize if I sound overly critical, but good grief Rudy, this is a goat rodeo.

  13. For the LOB option, you may need to also download the nuget package for Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7.appx, unzip it and include it. For me, I could add this and the VCredist as pre-reqs when adding winget.

  14. Hi Rudy,

    Kan ook in het NL maar let’s do it in English for everyone reading.
    I have some issues when deploying winget during ESP to get the winget.exe command available during AutoPilot. I used your favorite method with packaging and deploying msix bundle with the dependency packages. Also tried another PS script solution from blog. Haven’t tried your option 2.2. yet.
    Both fail during ESP and the error is related to the application not being detected. I suspect the detection script kicks in before the install script is finished installing as I have had this issue before with running PS scripts during ESP. Do you not have had these issues happen with ur provided solutions when testing it during ESP?

    I have previously worked around this to pipeline the outpout to | Out-Null or using a Start-Proces -Wait parameter. What would you suggest making sure the script waits to finish until the MSIX bundle is installed and winget.exe is available?

    Could this work?

    Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage -online -PackagePath:.\Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller_8wekyb3d8bbwe.Msixbundle -DependencyPackagePath .\Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00.UWPDesktop_14.0.32530.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx,.\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7_7.2208.15002.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.Appx -SkipLicense | Out-Null

    I have a feeling option 2.2 has this build in because of the catch function in the PS script and the delete actions run after the installation.

  15. Do you know of an easy way to update winget to the latest version?
    As the older versions doesn’t talk with the CDN repository anymore.
    After (manaually) updating winget to 1.6.3482 it works again. But in march the certificates wil rotate again after wich i expect to need another update.

  16. I have the problem on multiple devices that after installing as system Winget.exe doesnär run. If i write “.\Winget.exe search Jabra” nothing happen.

  17. Hey Rudy our uninstall script is not working when using it from Intune (tried from Company Portal and when assigning the app to uninstall).

    When we run the uninstall script locally through powershell it will work fine

    But when we use it through intune It will throw an error saying: ‘winget : The term ‘winget’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.’

    This is weird seeing the install.ps1 will work fine, so winget is installed on the machines(?)

    We use the exact same scripts as you mentioned above, installing works like a charm through intune but uninstalling is giving us headaches, any suggestions?

  18. Hey Rudy,

    We are having an issue with uninstalling through the Company Portal.

    The installing part works fine.

    Also uninstalling locally will work fine (running the uninstall script through elevated powershell on the machine).

    However when we run the uninstall through the Company Portal it will throw an error.
    When we look in the logging it will say “The term ‘winget’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet”

    Any idea what can be causing this?

  19. WinGet (App Installer) is already available in MS Store app (new) in Intune. Somehow you cannot find it by name but by ID: 9NBLGGH4NNS1. So the whole paragraph nr 2 can be addressed easily now

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